To give a glance at the daily operations of non-profits in the Cape Winelands, Valcare hosted a networking event to showcase the impact these non-profits have in their communities.

Valcare’s Amazing Race 2023 had over 60 organisations participate in a day filled with tasks such as making food for a soup kitchen, connecting with houseless persons and ex-offenders, planting a food garden and much more.

The day aimed to get non-profits and other interested parties to network, learn from each other, and showcase the good work done in the Cape Winelands communities.

How it worked

Teams had to “race” to different organisations and complete tasks to move on to the next round. The day did not focus on winners but on the bond created and the spirit of collaboration between the organisations and participants.

“Networking is a crucial part of Valcare’s role to activate and enable social change,” stated Jolanda van der Lingen, Valcare’s relationship manager. “The Amazing Race is a fun, interactive way to activate and enable members, partners, funders and other stakeholders and for them to connect and engage with each other. Over the past four years that we facilitated the Amazing Race, we have seen connections becoming incredible partnerships.”

For Johan Groenewald from Walking on Water Ministry, who hosted the participants for one of the race’s volunteer tasks, the day was an experience he wouldn’t forget soon.

“I feel that the beneficiaries benefitted from seeing all the different teams arriving and understanding that these are all people involved in their community for their benefit. The awareness, both ways, was valuable.”

Valcare would like to express our gratitude to the organisations that hosted participants for the volunteer activities. Thank you to ACVV Wellington, Maude Tabata Soccer Development, Monte Christo Miqlat, Christian Literature Fund, Kathy’s Educare, Grassroots Sports and Culture Community Organisation, Walking on Water Ministry, Secret of Success Development, Warriors of Worship Dance Ministry, Ikhamva Foundation, Take a Step, and Mbekweni Eco Club.